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Carlos J. Camacho
Structural Bioinformatics Lab
Department of Computational Biology
University of Pittsburgh

Research Projects

Protein-protein interactions

Protein binding dynamics

Protein docking

Protein-DNA interactions

Homology modeling
CASP5 results

Genomics and molecular evolution

Thermodynamic & dynamics of protein folding


Protein-Protein interactions:

Using explicit water molecular dynamics simulations and free energy estimates we try to understand the mechanisms of protein recognition. Our efforts have recently unveiled a new view on this subject, emphasizing the role of desolvation as a dominant force in recognition. We have also found that nanoscale receptor-ligand interactions stemming from electrostatic and solvation effects tunes the association time scales over a range spanning as much as 5 orders of magnitude in complexes where long electrostatics provide the specificty for recognition. Desolvation mediated complexes only span 3 order magnitude. Simulations have explicitly revealed that recognition arises from an optimized molecular key already encoded in the protein's primary structure. Similarly, well defined non-covalent, and non-specific, bonds are responsible for locking the encounter complex in place.

See Anchor residues in protein-protein interactions, PNAS 2004

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Carlos J. Camacho
Associate Professor
Department of Computational Biology
Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
University of Pittsburgh
W1041 Biomedical Science Tower
200 Lothrop St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Office: (412) 648-7776
Fax: (412) 648-3163

Anchor Residues in Protein Recognition, PNAS 2004 SmoothDock, PNAS 2001